June Cover!

Wow, 2021 is flying by! And all of the sudden it’s June! Me and my family have had an awesome few weeks, and (don’t be jealous) we were on vacation again! We were up in the Scottish Highlands and we just got back yesterday! Anyway here is the cover I designed for this month, I've been absolutely dying to do an ocean theme this summer! This is super easy; you literally just stripe on three (or more or less) colours as the waves then add black for definition then white for sea foam! Black is really the only colour you can use for the letters; as you have to write over other colours, this is the only colour really that pops. You can't see it in this picture, but I put seashells in the corners of my notes page, you can find endless seashell doodles on Pinterest if you are in need of help. And don't feel bad if you do need them, I used them too. Thanks so much for reading and let me know if you try this! Let me know...