
Showing posts from May, 2021

Selkirk Vacation!

      Another reason it took me so long to post stuff for May is that we went on a four day vacation to Selkirk, an area up in the Scottish highlands. So here are a few pics from our time there!  This is a really awesome waterfall we hiked up part of it is called "Grey Mare's Tail" Here's our massive fam!       During the time we were there, the farms around us were lambing! There were adorable babies like these two everywhere!  Thanks for reading!  -Andi 

May Bujo Cover

      My goodness! My pup has kept me so busy this month! In dog years he's two... so yeah, he's a psycho right now. Anyway here is a quick and easy cover for May and I'll give you a quick run through on how I did it.      I started with a  rough circle using a pen, then just keep swirling around it till you like the size and thickness.(If you look closely you can still see my lines). Then I added the bigger pink flowers, if you don't know how to draw a peony (I think that's the flower I drew🤷) just look up a quick step by step on Pinterest or something. Next, I did the leaves. Super easy and they honestly look better if they're messy, so don't stress it! After that I did the letters. I would advise getting your hands on some Tombow pens if you plan to keep lettering, they have changed my life. I didn't intend on adding the turquoise flowers, it just looked very empty in the  center, so those ones are up to you. You ...